Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 16 Miserable

So yesterday was Friday. There's no excitement for any days anymore. It's always always shitty. I'm sick of this BS diet 'health' crap. I don't want to do anything, or go anywhere. On top of it, I'm still not better. Yesterday and today, constipated again. Sorry. Gross, I know.

What did I eat?

Breakfast: a smoothie with cranberries, strawberries, honey dew, and watermelon. Yay. I also had 1 cup of black coffee with 1 spoon of illegal sugar. Maybe that's why I'm still not well? Who knows.

Lunch. I had another salad with spinach, avocados, cucumbers, pecans, sunflower seeds, a dollop of guacamole, and almond slices. I used the bad dressing again. It was delicious, but again, it's not supposed to be had I adhered by the 'laws' of IBS-less-ness.

The problem with this diet too, is that I don't have freaking time to always be chopping stupid vegetables, and de-thawing meat. I'm clearly just ranting right now, but I'm very very annoyed with it all.

For supper I had rock sole again, but didn't' over cook it. I hadn't marinated it or anything, just cooked it in a bit of butter. On the side I had grilled zucchini again. It's so very unsatisfying. I'm losing weight and I don't want to!

At night we went to the grocery store, I bought some more fresh ingredients, including fresh strawberries. I ate some strawberries as a night time snack. Oh. I begged for 1 chocolate covered raisin that my husband was eating. He gave in. I ate it. It was awesome.

Maybe Day 18 will be better? I know that Day 17 isn't, because that's today, and clearly I'm not in a good mood. Day 18 is Superbowl Sunday. You know, the night where everyone gets together and digs into delicious greasy finger foods. I should just stay home. It's going to suck having to answer to everyone why I'm not eating anything. Why is the skinny girl not eating? Um, because she can't. :(

I forgot to mention that I took  my probiotics and two of the 3 vitamins throughout the day. I cannot find Quercetin yet, but haven't checked at all vitamin stores.


  1. Have you ever tried Stevia as a substitute for sugar? It's a natural sweetner and is good for diabetics and carb-controlled diets.

  2. No, I haven't. Where can you buy that? I don't really know if there's much point, but after my vacation I shall look into it. I leave tomorrow for my work trip, then get back for 3 days, then leave for Mexico. I cannot wait.

  3. You should be able to get it at Sobeys or Superstore (Loblaws). In the same isle you find the sugar substitute. They are in a similiar-sized box as Sugar Twin. 100 packets (1 packet = 2 tsp sugar) for about $8.

    Safe travels and have a kick-ass (well deserved!) vacation!
